International Prohibited and Dangerous Goods

For various reasons, there are certain types of items that we cannot carry internationally through our standard services. These items are referred to as ‘prohibited items’ (see below examples for Express and Courier/Courier Plus services) and include a few items in addition to those on our domestic prohibited items list 

Although it is not possible to send prohibited items through our standard services, we can carry some types of these through our Special Service channel - please contact our International Help Desk for more information on Special Services by emailing or phoning 0800 655 010. 

International Express prohibited items include:

  • Antiques
  • Alcohol
  • Drugs 
  • Laptops and portable computers 
  • Architectural models 
  • Perfume 
  • Plants or animals (live or dead) 
  • Food 
  • Bulk goods (grain etc) 
  • Political material 
  • Livestock 
  • Gold and silver in any form 
  • Cosmetics 
  • Precious metals, stones or jewellery 
  • Material that can be submitted as pornographic or offensive 
  • Hazardous goods, combustible, or explosive material 
  • Currency (notes, coins, credit cards and travellers cheques) 
  • Negotiable bonds or other like ‘value papers’ 
  • Objects of art (paintings/sculptures etc) and fine arts 
  • High value, easy to trade computer items (RAM chips, SIMM’s and CPU’s) 
  • Other negotiable values 
  • Some Dangerous Goods 

Furthermore, certain destination countries prohibit or restrict certain types of items (not in the list above) from entering or leaving their country. As a result, the item may not be able to travel via our standard courier service and may have to be sent via our Special Services channel.  

Sending Dangerous Goods Internationally

Transportation of Dangerous Goods is a risk when they are not correctly packed or handled. If the goods are hidden, declared incorrectly, left completely undeclared, packed or labelled incorrectly, health and safety is compromised, and penalties may be incurred. 

We are happy to arrange for Special Services to send your Dangerous Goods worldwideOur Special Services channel have extensive experience of transporting all types of Dangerous Goods and will take care of your every need. 

Please contact the International Help Desk for further information by emailing or phoning 0800 655 010. 

International Courier & Courier Plus prohibited items include:

Prohibited items Description
Ammunition and Weapons
  • Air guns
  • Ammunition
  • Bullets
  • Firearms
  • Firearms parts1 *
  • Grenades (inc. imitation ones)
  • Weapons, including bows, crossbows and arrows, harpoons, spear guns, slingshots, catapults, swordsticks
  • Stun guns, tasers and stun batons
Bleaches and Poisons
  • Alkaline
  • Ammonia-based products
  • Asbestos
  • Bleach (including hair bleaches)
  • Chemicals (inc. chlorine for swimming pools)
  • Dyes (including hair and textile dyes)
  • Insecticides
  • Noxious substances
  • Poisons (e.g. cyanide, lead, arsenic)
  • Sodium
  • Weed killers
  • Zinc powder
Batteries & Corrosives
  • Acid (of any type)
  • Batteries (car or wet cell)
  • Electronic/electric appliances, devices & toys containing Non-Lithium-ion batteries*
  • Electronic/electric appliances, devices & toys containing Lithium-metal or Lithium-ion (inc. Lithium-ion polymer) batteries*
  • Power banks
Combustion Engines
  • Generators (fuel-powered)
  • Purged engines
Compressed Gas
  • Compressed air
  • Fire extinguishers
  • Gas cylinders (e.g. camping – full or empty)
  • Oxygen cylinders, including compressed air
  • Paint guns
  • Shock absorbers (gas or compressed air)
Explosives & Fireworks
  • Christmas crackers
  • Fireworks (e.g. skyrockets, sparklers, crackers)
  • Party poppers
Flammable Gas
  • Aerosol cans (e.g. hairspray, deodorant)
  • Airbag (car)
  • Alarm devices (gas or battery-powered)
  • Gas (e.g. propane, butane, hydrogen, helium)
Flammable Liquids
  • Adhesive products (e.g. drying glue)
  • Alcohol
  • Anti-freeze
  • Barometers
  • Battery or Brake Fluid
  • Cleaning materials (inc. disinfectants)
  • Dry ice (or Liquid Nitrogen)
  • Essential oils (e.g. eucalyptus, tea tree)
  • Fertilisers
  • Fibreglass repair kits
  • Kerosene
  • Lighter fluid
  • Mercury (incl. thermometers and barometers containing mercury)
  • Motor fuels and petrol
  • Oven cleaners (containing caustic soda)
  • Paint (oil-based)
  • Perfume (inc. aftershave, cologne)
  • Peroxides
  • Polish (inc. nail polish and nail polish remover)
  • Polyester resin kits
  • Solvents (any)
  • Turpentine
  • Varnish (inc. removers, thinners)
Flammable Solids
  • Camphor
  • Carbon paper
  • Caustic soda
  • Charcoal
  • Cleaning materials (inc. laundry detergents)
  • Phosphorus
  • Toner (e.g. photocopier; inc. cartridges)
Matches and Lighters
  • Blasting caps (including caps for starting or toy guns)
  • Fire and flint lighters
  • Flares (inc. theatrical, distress and smoke signals)
  • Igniters
  • Matches and cigarette lighters


*May be sent with written approval at "Owners risk"

  • Bank (e.g. debit, EFTPOS or credit) and gift cards*
  • Bullion, coins*, currency, traveller’s cheques, bonds and shares
  • Collectables, antiques, paintings, sculpture or other works of art*
  • Jewellery2, precious metals or stones, watches*
  • Keys*
  • Negotiable instruments (inc. bearer securities, bills of exchange or uncrossed cheques)
  • Numismatic items*
  • Passports and National ID cards*
  • Original copies of other identity, travel, ownership or legal documents*
  • Stamps (unused)*
  • Vouchers, activated cards (loaded with monetary value), tickets for games of chance, and event tickets
Other Prohibited Items 
*May be sent with written approval at "Owners risk"
  • Animals except correctly packaged live organisms (bees, leeches, silkworms and harmless insects)*
  • Medicines or Controlled Drugs*
  • First aid kits
  • Furs and skins (untreated)
  • Human or animal remains (inc. ashes, body parts and placentas)
  • Indecent goods 
  • Magnets or magnetic material


  1. Firearm parts are any piece of a firearm designed or intended to be an integral part, regardless of whether it is in working condition. Firearm parts include but are not limited to the breech/chamber, stock/butt, magazine, silencer, barrel, bolt and trigger assembly.
  2. Jewellery is any object that is typically worn for personal adornment (such as bracelets, rings, necklaces, earrings, watches, cuff links, etc) that is made of precious stones or metals.*

*May be sent with written approval at "Owners risk"

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