Courier has not arrived for a requested collection

When you make a booking for a courier to come and collect your items for delivery, they will do their best to come in on their next cycle time – they do not come straight to you from where they are.   

Cycle times are the scheduled times our couriers travel through areas to make deliveries and collect out going items.  Frequency and timing of cycles vary from suburb to suburb due to factors such as concentration of collections and deliveries that typically come out of the area. 

Our expectation is that our courier will come and collect your items on the next cycle after a booking is made, but sometimes an unexpected situation may prevent them from doing so – this could be their van is already at capacity from other collectionsor weather/traffic conditions preventing them from completing their cycle in a timely manner. In a case like this, you may have to wait until the next working day for the collection to happen.

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