GoSweetSpot: Manage Users

You can access the Manage Users page under the Administration tab.

What can you do on the Manage Users page?

From the Manage Users page, you can: 

  • Add users
  • Adjust user permissions
  • Reset user passwords
  • Check when a user was last active
  • Revoke users as required

How to add a new user

  1. Select Add New
  2. Fill out the relevant fields
  3. Click Save User

What each field under Edit User details means

Field Description
Username / Email  Enter their email address here.
Send Activation Email Make sure you leave this selected, so they get an email to activate and use their account.
Pricing Visibility  Choose what pricing information the user can view. 
Users Access Level  Choose from ‘Full Admin Access’, ‘Standard User’ or ‘Read Only’. 


Managing your users' access

To revoke access, activate a new user, or reset a password, simply select the checkbox to the left of the user (shown in the red box above) and select the option you need, either Send Reset Password / Activation Email or Revoke Access & Delete.

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