GoSweetSpot: Labels

Included in this document:


Labels in Queue


Queue a provided image file for printing via the print application.


Method: POST
Content Type: application/json
URL: https://api.gosweetspot.com/api/labels/enqueue


access_key : your unique API key provided by GSS.
site_id : which site you are requesting action for.


The body of the message should be sent as a JSON object.

Parameter Type Description
copies integer

Number of copies to print.

image string

Base64 string of byte array of image file. Supported format is png. The file size should be 1350px by 1175px.

printtoprinter string Optional, if not supplied, the access_key profile printer is used.

Return format

A string text of response message.


Error messages will range in the below:

  • Supplied document stream does not represent an image.
  • Print job sent.
  • Print job queued.
  • API Key not associated with a valid printer.

Request example

curl --location 'https://api.gosweetspot.com/api/labels/enqueue' \
--header 'access_key;' \
--header 'site_id;' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "Copies": 1,
    "PrintToPrinter": "SMITH-PC >> ZDESIGNER LP 2844 (3227)"

Response example

Print job sent



Download Labels


Get shipment labels in the requested format.


Method: GET
Content Type: application/json
URL: https://api.gosweetspot.com/api/labels/download


access_key : your unique API key provided by GSS.
site_id : which site you are requesting action for.


Parameter: format, Type: string

optional - available formats are as below. If not supplied, the default is LABEL_PNG_100X175. The 100x150 sizing is presently experimental and not available across all carriers


label is presented on an A4 page

LABEL_PNG_100X175 label is presented as a PNG image with dimension 100mm x 175mm
LABEL_PNG_100X150 label is presented as a PNG image with dimension 100mm x 150mm
LABEL_PDF_100X175 label is presented as a PDF with dimension 100mm x 175mm

label is presented as a PDF with dimension 100mm x 150mm


label is presented as a PDF Labelope. Rotation is not supported

USER_CONFIGURED label is presented as a PDF when User's Printing Setting is PDF file, or a PRN file is presented if User's Printing Setting is GoPrint - PRN Download

PRN file is presented


Parameter Type Description
rotate boolean

optional - if the label orientation requires 180 degree rotation

connote string

shipment consignment number to download


Return format

An array of base64 encoded binary:

  • In the case of multi-part shipments, the PNG format will return a binary block per part.
  • In the case of PDF, all parts are returned on a single multi-page pdf.

Request example

curl --location 'https://api.gosweetspot.com/labels/download?format=label_png&connote=ABA0010054' \
--header 'access_key;' \
--header 'site_id;' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

Response example



Get Labels


Get the shipment labels in the requested format, png or pdf.


Method: GET
Content Type: application/json
URL: https://api.gosweetspot.com/api/labels


access_key : your unique API key provided by GSS.
site_id : which site you are requesting action for.


Parameter: format, Type: string

optional - available formats are as below. If not supplied, the default is LABEL_PNG_100X175. The 100x150 sizing is presently experimental and not available across all carriers


label is presented on an A4 page

LABEL_PNG_100X175 label is presented as a PNG image with dimension 100mm x 175mm
LABEL_PNG_100X150 label is presented as a PNG image with dimension 100mm x 150mm
LABEL_PDF_100X175 label is presented as a PDF with dimension 100mm x 175mm

label is presented as a PDF with dimension 100mm x 150mm


label is presented as a PDF Labelope. Rotation is not supported

USER_CONFIGURED label is presented as a PDF when User's Printing Setting is PDF file, or a PRN file is presented if User's Printing Setting is GoPrint - PRN Download

PRN file is presented

Parameter Type Description
rotate boolean

optional - if the label orientation requires 180 degree rotation

connote string

shipment consignment number to download

Return format

An array of base64 encoded binary:

  • In the case of multi-part shipments, the PNG format will return a binary block per part.
  • In the case of PDF, all parts are returned on a single multi-page pdf.

Request example

curl --location 'https://api.gosweetspot.com/api/labels?format=label_png&connote=ABA0010054' \
--header 'access_key;' \
--header 'site_id;' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

Response example




Requeue a Label


Requeue a shipment for printing.


Method: POST
Content Type: application/json
URL: https://api.gosweetspot.com/api/labels


access_key : your unique API key provided by GSS.
site_id : which site you are requesting action for.


Parameter Type Description
connote string

Consignment number is to be printed.


Optional, if supplied, the access_key profile printer is used.

Return format

A string text of response message.


Error messages will range in the below:

  • Not a valid consignment number.
  • Print job sent.
  • Print job queued.
  • API Key not associated with a valid printer.

Request example

curl --location --request POST 'https://api.gosweetspot.com/api/labels?connote=ABC123' \
--header 'access_key;' \
--header 'site_id;' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

Response example

Print job sent


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