GoSweetSpot: Customer Orders

Included in this document:


Get the list of Customer Orders


Get the list of customer orders published in the queue. You can filter on processed or non-processed.


Method: GET
Content Type: application/json
URL: https://api.gosweetspot.com/api/customerorders


access_key : your unique API key provided by GSS.
site_id : which site you are requesting action for.


Parameter Type Description
packingslipno string Comma separated list of packing slip numbers to apply filter on.
createdfrom string UTC formatted date and time to filter the shipments. This field is for the earliest date.
createdto string UTC formatted date and time to filter the shipments. This field is for the latest date.
excludecompleted string true/false - when true excludes all completed packing slips and only returns pending orders.
page integer when multiple pages of results are available, specify which page to get.
pagesize integer how many records to return per page. Default = 100 records.
includeProducts boolean true/false - when true, each customer order record will also include the product lines associated with the record

Return format

A JSON Object of available carriers.

Root Object

Attribute Type Description
Page integer index of the page of all results.
pagesize integer how many records to return per page.
Pages integer how many pages of results are available.
Results object list list of customer orders.

Request example

curl --location --request DELETE 'https://api.gosweetspot.com/api/customerorders?packingslipno=test%25231234%2Ctest%25231235%2Ctest%25231236' \
--header 'access_key;' \
--header 'site_id;' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'

curl --location --request DELETE 'https://api.gosweetspot.com/api/customerorders?packingslipno=test%25231234%2Ctest%25231235%2Ctest%25231236' \
--header 'access_key;' \
--header 'site_id;' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'

Response example

  "test#1234": "Cannot be deleted. Already processed.",
  "test#1235": "Cannot be deleted. Already deleted.",
  "test#1236": "Deleted.",
  "test#1234": "Cannot be deleted. Already processed.",
  "test#1235": "Cannot be deleted. Already deleted.",
  "test#1236": "Deleted.",



Input new Customer Orders


Submit new customer order batched. Saves a new orders or updates a pending order. If the packing slip number has already been processed, the message will be ignored. This method will accept orders as an array.


Method: PUT
Content Type: application/json
URL: https://api.gosweetspot.com/api/customerorders


access_key : your unique API key provided by GSS.
site_id : which site you are requesting action for.


Parameter Type Description
packingslipno string Specify the unique order number from your source system, that was used as the packing slip no when the order was published.
consignee string Recipient name.
string Address line 1, eg, building identifier, like Level 1, Fisher House, etc.
Address line 2, street name.
suburb string
Suburb name.
city string
City name or state name. Depending on destination country, if state information is available, this should be the abbreviated state code.
postcode string
Post code, for NZ addresses, this can be left blank if unknown.
country string
ISO Alpha 2 country code, eg NZ, AU, US, UK, CN.
delvref string Order number, or customer reference for this order.
delvinstructions string Any specific instructions to be printed on the label.
contactname string
Name of person, optional.
contactphone string Phone number of person, optional.
email string Email address for track & trace email, optional.
rawaddress string
Full, unvalidated address body for display purposes only. Use \n for newline in this field, optional.
costcentre string
Put the exact name of a cost centre here and the cost centre will be pre-selected when fulfilling the order, optional.
products object list Optional, JSON object of product.
packages object list Optional, JSON object of package.
iconUrl string
Optional, custom icon Url link.

Return format

JSON object array per order with true for a successful submit or false for an ignored submit.

Request example

curl --location 'https://api.gosweetspot.com/api/customerorders?createdfrom=2023-08-01&page=2' \
--header 'access_key;' \
--header 'site_id;' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'
curl --location 'https://api.gosweetspot.com/api/customerorders?createdfrom=2023-08-01&page=2' \
--header 'access_key;' \
--header 'site_id;' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'

Response example

    "Page": 1,
    "PageSize": 100,
    "Pages": 6,
    "Results": [
            "packingslipno": "SSORDER13667",
            "consignee": "LITTLE LAMB",
            "address1": "",
            "address2": "103 HAVENWOOD PLACE",
            "suburb": "BIRKENHEAD",
            "city": "NORTH SHORE CITY",
            "postcode": "0626",
            "country": "NZ",
            "delvref": "SSORDER13667",
            "delvinstructions": "A5SHEET X 1  A5 X 1",
            "contactname": "BROOKES STONE",
            "contactphone": "021 123456",
            "email": "info@littlelamb.co.nz",
            "isrural": null,
            "notrural": null,
            "costcentre": null,
            "status": {
                "Status": "DELIVERED",
                "ticketnumber": "SSPOT018162",
                "trackingurl": "http://gosweetspot.com/track/123-SSPOT018162",
                "Picked": "2016-02-22T15:31:21",
                "Delivered": "2016-02-23T12:46:45",
                "manualticket": true
            "products": [
                    "productcode": "ABC",
                    "description": "WALL PAINT",
                    "units": 1,
                    "unitvalue": 10,
                    "countryofManufacture": "",
                    "unitkg": 1,
                    "imageurl": null,
                    "currency": "NZD",
                    "alreadySent": 0,
                    "fulfilledQty": 1,
                    "linetotal": 10
            "packingslipno": "SSORDER13668",
            "consignee": "ROCK ON",
            "address1": "",
            "address2": "226 STEWART ROAD",
            "suburb": "RAMARAMA",
            "city": "AUCKLAND",
            "postcode": "2579",
            "country": "NZ",
            "delvref": "SSORDER13668",
            "delvinstructions": "A5 X 2  A4 X 5  OVERNIGHT X 2",
            "contactname": "ALBERT",
            "contactphone": "021212563",
            "email": "albert@rockon.co.nz",
            "isrural": null,
            "notrural": null,
            "costcentre": null,
            "status": {
                "Status": "DELIVERED",
                "ticketnumber": "SSPOT018161",
                "trackingurl": "http://gosweetspot.com/track/4180-SSPOT018161",
                "Picked": "2016-02-22T15:31:21",
                "Delivered": "2016-02-24T08:42:22",
                "manualticket": true
            "products": [
                    "productcode": "ABC",
                    "description": "WALL PAINT",
                    "units": 1,
                    "unitvalue": 10,
                    "countryofManufacture": "",
                    "unitkg": 1,
                    "imageurl": null,
                    "currency": "NZD",
                    "alreadySent": 0,
                    "fulfilledQty": 1,
                    "linetotal": 10
            "packingslipno": "SSORDER13669",
            "consignee": "PREMIUM BLUE LTD",
            "address1": "5C",
            "address2": "102 ELLICE RD",
            "suburb": "GLENFIELD",
            "city": "NORTH SHORE CITY",
            "postcode": "0629",
            "country": "NZ",
            "delvref": "SSORDER13669",
            "delvinstructions": "A4 X 1  A2 X 1  OVERNIGHT X 1",
            "contactname": "ANDREW BURNS",
            "contactphone": "09 444 2131",
            "email": "andy@blueltd.co.nz",
            "isrural": null,
            "notrural": null,
            "costcentre": null,
            "status": {
                "Status": "DELIVERED",
                "ticketnumber": "SSPOT018160",
                "trackingurl": "http://gosweetspot.com/track/1234-SSPOT018160",
                "Picked": "2016-02-25T15:24:10",
                "Delivered": "2016-02-26T08:11:14",
                "manualticket": true
            "products": [
                    "productcode": "ABC",
                    "description": "WALL PAINT",
                    "units": 1,
                    "unitvalue": 10,
                    "countryofManufacture": "",
                    "unitkg": 1,
                    "imageurl": null,
                    "currency": "NZD",
                    "alreadySent": 0,
                    "fulfilledQty": 1,
                    "linetotal": 10

    "Page": 1,
    "PageSize": 100,
    "Pages": 6,
    "Results": [
            "packingslipno": "SSORDER13667",
            "consignee": "LITTLE LAMB",
            "address1": "",
            "address2": "103 HAVENWOOD PLACE",
            "suburb": "BIRKENHEAD",
            "city": "NORTH SHORE CITY",
            "postcode": "0626",
            "country": "NZ",
            "delvref": "SSORDER13667",
            "delvinstructions": "A5SHEET X 1  A5 X 1",
            "contactname": "BROOKES STONE",
            "contactphone": "021 123456",
            "email": "info@littlelamb.co.nz",
            "isrural": null,
            "notrural": null,
            "costcentre": null,
            "status": {
                "Status": "DELIVERED",
                "ticketnumber": "SSPOT018162",
                "trackingurl": "http://gosweetspot.com/track/123-SSPOT018162",
                "Picked": "2016-02-22T15:31:21",
                "Delivered": "2016-02-23T12:46:45",
                "manualticket": true
            "products": [
                    "productcode": "ABC",
                    "description": "WALL PAINT",
                    "units": 1,
                    "unitvalue": 10,
                    "countryofManufacture": "",
                    "unitkg": 1,
                    "imageurl": null,
                    "currency": "NZD",
                    "alreadySent": 0,
                    "fulfilledQty": 1,
                    "linetotal": 10
            "packingslipno": "SSORDER13668",
            "consignee": "ROCK ON",
            "address1": "",
            "address2": "226 STEWART ROAD",
            "suburb": "RAMARAMA",
            "city": "AUCKLAND",
            "postcode": "2579",
            "country": "NZ",
            "delvref": "SSORDER13668",
            "delvinstructions": "A5 X 2  A4 X 5  OVERNIGHT X 2",
            "contactname": "ALBERT",
            "contactphone": "021212563",
            "email": "albert@rockon.co.nz",
            "isrural": null,
            "notrural": null,
            "costcentre": null,
            "status": {
                "Status": "DELIVERED",
                "ticketnumber": "SSPOT018161",
                "trackingurl": "http://gosweetspot.com/track/4180-SSPOT018161",
                "Picked": "2016-02-22T15:31:21",
                "Delivered": "2016-02-24T08:42:22",
                "manualticket": true
            "products": [
                    "productcode": "ABC",
                    "description": "WALL PAINT",
                    "units": 1,
                    "unitvalue": 10,
                    "countryofManufacture": "",
                    "unitkg": 1,
                    "imageurl": null,
                    "currency": "NZD",
                    "alreadySent": 0,
                    "fulfilledQty": 1,
                    "linetotal": 10
            "packingslipno": "SSORDER13669",
            "consignee": "PREMIUM BLUE LTD",
            "address1": "5C",
            "address2": "102 ELLICE RD",
            "suburb": "GLENFIELD",
            "city": "NORTH SHORE CITY",
            "postcode": "0629",
            "country": "NZ",
            "delvref": "SSORDER13669",
            "delvinstructions": "A4 X 1  A2 X 1  OVERNIGHT X 1",
            "contactname": "ANDREW BURNS",
            "contactphone": "09 444 2131",
            "email": "andy@blueltd.co.nz",
            "isrural": null,
            "notrural": null,
            "costcentre": null,
            "status": {
                "Status": "DELIVERED",
                "ticketnumber": "SSPOT018160",
                "trackingurl": "http://gosweetspot.com/track/1234-SSPOT018160",
                "Picked": "2016-02-25T15:24:10",
                "Delivered": "2016-02-26T08:11:14",
                "manualticket": true
            "products": [
                    "productcode": "ABC",
                    "description": "WALL PAINT",
                    "units": 1,
                    "unitvalue": 10,
                    "countryofManufacture": "",
                    "unitkg": 1,
                    "imageurl": null,
                    "currency": "NZD",
                    "alreadySent": 0,
                    "fulfilledQty": 1,
                    "linetotal": 10




Delete Customer Orders


Delete unprocessed customer orders from the system.


Method: DEL
Content Type: application/json
URL: https://api.gosweetspot.com/api/customerorders


access_key : your unique API key provided by GSS.
site_id : which site you are requesting action for.


Parameter Type Description
packingslipno string A comma separated list of orders numbers (packing slip numbers) to be deleted. A maximum of 50 orders can be deleted per call.


A JSON object, with order numbers and associated outcome.

Valid outcome states are:

  • Invalid packing slip number.
  • Cannot be deleted. Already deleted.
  • Cannot be deleted. Already processed.
  • Max delete limit is 50 packing slip numbers

Request example

curl --location 'https://api.gosweetspot.com/api/customerorders?createdfrom=2023-08-01&page=2' \
--header 'access_key;' \
--header 'site_id;' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'
curl --location 'https://api.gosweetspot.com/api/customerorders?createdfrom=2023-08-01&page=2' \
--header 'access_key;' \
--header 'site_id;' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'

Response example

    "Page": 1,
    "PageSize": 100,
    "Pages": 6,
    "Results": [
            "packingslipno": "SSORDER13667",
            "consignee": "LITTLE LAMB",
            "address1": "",
            "address2": "103 HAVENWOOD PLACE",
            "suburb": "BIRKENHEAD",
            "city": "NORTH SHORE CITY",
            "postcode": "0626",
            "country": "NZ",
            "delvref": "SSORDER13667",
            "delvinstructions": "A5SHEET X 1  A5 X 1",
            "contactname": "BROOKES STONE",
            "contactphone": "021 123456",
            "email": "info@littlelamb.co.nz",
            "isrural": null,
    "Page": 1,
    "PageSize": 100,
    "Pages": 6,
    "Results": [
            "packingslipno": "SSORDER13667",
            "consignee": "LITTLE LAMB",
            "address1": "",
            "address2": "103 HAVENWOOD PLACE",
            "suburb": "BIRKENHEAD",
            "city": "NORTH SHORE CITY",
            "postcode": "0626",
            "country": "NZ",
            "delvref": "SSORDER13667",
            "delvinstructions": "A5SHEET X 1  A5 X 1",
            "contactname": "BROOKES STONE",
            "contactphone": "021 123456",
            "email": "info@littlelamb.co.nz",
            "isrural": null,



Order Status


Get the current status of an order.


Method: GET
Content Type: application/json
URL: https://api.gosweetspot.com/api/customerorders


access_key : your unique API key provided by GSS.
site_id : which site you are requesting action for.


Parameter Type Description
packingslipno string Specify the unique order number from your source system, that was used as the packing slip no when the order was published.

Return format

A JSON object with order status.


Parameter Type Description
packingslipno string Unique order number or packing slip number from your system.
string Recipient name.
string Current status of an order, options PENDING/PICKED/DELIVERED.
string Unique consignment number.
string Track and trace website URL.
picked date Localised to pickup timezone, pickup time stamp. null if not picked yet.
delivered date Localised to destination timezone, delivery time stamp. null if not delivered yet.
Localised to origin timezone when the shipment ticket was created. null if not created yet.
string Username of the user, creating the ticket.
Localised to NZ timezone, date and time when the ticket was deleted, if deleted. null if not deleted.
string Username of the user, deleting the ticket.

Request example

curl --location --request PUT 'https://api.gosweetspot.com/v2/order/SSORDER5840' \
--header 'access_key;' \
--header 'site_id;' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data ''
curl --location --request PUT 'https://api.gosweetspot.com/v2/order/SSORDER5840' \
--header 'access_key;' \
--header 'site_id;' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data ''

Response example

  "packingslipno": "SSORDER5840",
  "consignee": "PHOTO DREAMS LIMITED",
  "status": "DELIVERED",
  "ticketnumber": "SSPOT012671",
  "trackingurl": "http://gosweetspot.com/track/1234-SSPOT012671",
  "picked": "2014-06-03T08:40:00",
  "delivered": "2014-06-03T14:46:45",
  "ticketprinteddate": "2014-06-03T08:30:00",
  "ticketprintedby": "abc@accompany.co.nz",
  "ticketdeleteddate": null,
  "ticketdeletedby": null
  "packingslipno": "SSORDER5840",
  "consignee": "PHOTO DREAMS LIMITED",
  "status": "DELIVERED",
  "ticketnumber": "SSPOT012671",
  "trackingurl": "http://gosweetspot.com/track/1234-SSPOT012671",
  "picked": "2014-06-03T08:40:00",
  "delivered": "2014-06-03T14:46:45",
  "ticketprinteddate": "2014-06-03T08:30:00",
  "ticketprintedby": "abc@accompany.co.nz",
  "ticketdeleteddate": null,
  "ticketdeletedby": null



Pending Orders


Get a list of orders published but not processed.


Method: GET
Content Type: application/json
URL: https://api.gosweetspot.com/v2/pendingorders


access_key : your unique API key provided by GSS.
site_id : which site you are requesting action for.



Return format

A JSON object with array of customer orders.


Parameter Type Description
object list list of customer orders

Request example

curl --location 'https://api.gosweetspot.com/v2/pendingorders' \
--header 'access_key;' \
--header 'site_id;' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data ''
curl --location 'https://api.gosweetspot.com/v2/pendingorders' \
--header 'access_key;' \
--header 'site_id;' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data ''

Response example

    "packingslipno": "test1-14-07-01",
    "consignee": "TEST 1",
    "address1": "",
    "address2": "1 QUEENS STREET",
    "suburb": "AUCKLAND CENTRAL",
    "city": "AUCKLAND",
    "postcode": "",
    "country": "NZ",
    "delvref": "TEST1-14-07-01",
    "delvinstructions": "",
    "contactname": "",
    "contactphone": "",
    "email": "",
    "rawAddress": null,
    "iconUrl": null,
    "isrural": null,
    "notrural": null,
    "costcentre": null,
    "status": null,
    "products": [],
    "packages": []
    "packingslipno": "test2-14-07-01",
    "consignee": "TEST 2",
    "address1": "",
    "address2": "1 QUEENS STREET",
    "suburb": "AUCKLAND CENTRAL",
    "city": "AUCKLAND",
    "postcode": "",
    "country": "NZ",
    "delvref": "TEST2-14-07-01",
    "delvinstructions": "",
    "contactname": "",
    "contactphone": "",
    "email": "",
    "rawAddress": null,
    "iconUrl": null,
    "isrural": null,
    "notrural": null,
    "costcentre": null,
    "status": null,
    "products": [],
    "packages": []
    "packingslipno": "test1-14-07-01",
    "consignee": "TEST 1",
    "address1": "",
    "address2": "1 QUEENS STREET",
    "suburb": "AUCKLAND CENTRAL",
    "city": "AUCKLAND",
    "postcode": "",
    "country": "NZ",
    "delvref": "TEST1-14-07-01",
    "delvinstructions": "",
    "contactname": "",
    "contactphone": "",
    "email": "",
    "rawAddress": null,
    "iconUrl": null,
    "isrural": null,
    "notrural": null,
    "costcentre": null,
    "status": null,
    "products": [],
    "packages": []
    "packingslipno": "test2-14-07-01",
    "consignee": "TEST 2",
    "address1": "",
    "address2": "1 QUEENS STREET",
    "suburb": "AUCKLAND CENTRAL",
    "city": "AUCKLAND",
    "postcode": "",
    "country": "NZ",
    "delvref": "TEST2-14-07-01",
    "delvinstructions": "",
    "contactname": "",
    "contactphone": "",
    "email": "",
    "rawAddress": null,
    "iconUrl": null,
    "isrural": null,
    "notrural": null,
    "costcentre": null,
    "status": null,
    "products": [],
    "packages": []

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