GoSweetSpot: Address Validation

Included in this document:


Query to validate customer address details. For New Zealand addresses, the addresses are also assessed for rural delivery, saturday delivery and residential delivery.


Method: POST
Content Type: application/json
URL: https://api.gosweetspot.com/v2/addressvalidation


access_key : your unqiue api key provided by GSS.
site_id : which site you are requesting action for.


The body of the message should be sent as a Json object.

Attribute Type Description
consignee string Company name or person name, max length is 50.
contactperson string Contact person at address, optional; max length is 50.
phonenumber string Phone number is optional, max length is 50.
deliveryinstructions string Special instructions to print on the label. For origin, this field is ignored, the max length is 120.
email string Email address: max length is 200.
address object V2 validation address model.

Return format

A JSON object with validation response.


Attribute Type Description
validated boolean Result of state/suburb/postcode/country validation.
address object Address, with additional property AvailableServices.
errors string list List of validation messages.

Request example

curl --location 'https://api.gosweetspot.com/v2/addressvalidation' \
--header 'access_key;' \
--header 'site_id;' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
	"Consignee": "0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789",
	"Address": {
		"BuildingName": "",
		"StreetAddress": "1 Some Street",
		"Suburb": "MascotX",
		"City": "NSW",
		"PostCode": "2020",
		"CountryCode": "AU",
		"IsRural": false
	"Email": "",
	"ContactPerson": "",
	"PhoneNumber": "",
	"DeliveryInstructions": "",

Response example

  "Address": {
    "Consignee": "0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789",
    "Address": {
      "BuildingName": "",
      "StreetAddress": "1 Chesham Lane",
      "Suburb": "Clevedon",
      "City": "Auckland",
      "PostCode": "2248",
      "CountryCode": "NZ",
      "IsRural": false,
      "IsResidential": false
    "Email": "",
    "ContactPerson": "",
    "PhoneNumber": "",
    "DeliveryInstructions": "",
    "AvailableServices": [
        "Carrier": "NZCouriers",
        "IsResidential": true,
        "IsRural": true,
        "HasSaturdayService": false,
        "BranchCode": "MKC",
        "RunNumber": ""
        "Carrier": "PostHaste",
        "IsResidential": true,
        "IsRural": true,
        "HasSaturdayService": false,
        "BranchCode": "AKL",
        "RunNumber": ""
        "Carrier": "CastleParcel",
        "IsResidential": true,
        "IsRural": true,
        "HasSaturdayService": false,
        "BranchCode": "AKL",
        "RunNumber": ""
        "Carrier": "NOWCouriers",
        "IsResidential": true,
        "IsRural": true,
        "HasSaturdayService": false,
        "BranchCode": "AKL",
        "RunNumber": ""
  "Validated": true,
  "Errors": []

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