GoSweetSpot: API Stock sizes

Included in this document:

Get a list of Stock sizes


Get list of available stock sizes


Method: GET
Content Type: application/json
URL: https://api.gosweetspot.com/api/stocksizes


access_key : your unique API key provided by GSS.
site_id : which site you are requesting action for.

Return format

A JSON array of Stock Size Model, where each object represents a stock size available to your user.Response

Request example

curl --location 'https://api.gosweetspot.com/api/stocksizes' \
--header 'access_key;' \
--header 'site_id;' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

Response example

        "PackageStockId": 5694,
        "Name": "AusPost 200g Satchel",
        "Height": 2.0000,
        "Length": 35.0000,
        "Width": 27.0000,
        "Cubit": 0.001890,
        "Type": "Satchel",
        "Weight": 0.2000,
        "Sort": 0,
        "IsTrackPak": true,
        "HeightAdjustable": false,
        "Availability": "Entire_Group"
        "PackageStockId": 6101,
        "Name": "AusPost 3KG Satchel",
        "Height": 3.0000,
        "Length": 35.0000,
        "Width": 27.0000,
        "Cubit": 0.002835,
        "Type": "Satchel",
        "Weight": 3.0000,
        "Sort": 0,
        "IsTrackPak": true,
        "HeightAdjustable": false,
        "Availability": "Entire_Group"
        "PackageStockId": 6073,
        "Name": "Castle Max Pack",
        "Height": 3.0000,
        "Length": 45.0000,
        "Width": 45.0000,
        "Cubit": 0.006075,
        "Type": "Satchel",
        "Weight": 3.0000,
        "Sort": 0,
        "IsTrackPak": true,
        "HeightAdjustable": false,
        "Availability": "Entire_Group"

Create new Stock sizes


This method is used to create new stock sizes or update an existing stock size.


Method: POST
Content Type: application/json
URL: https://api.gosweetspot.com/api/stocksizes


access_key : your unique API key provided by GSS.
site_id : which site you are requesting action for.


A list of Stock Size Model should be sent in JSON format.

Return format

A JSON object with the created shipment details.

Request example

curl --location --request POST 'https://api.gosweetspot.com/api/stocksizes' \
--header 'access_key;' \
--header 'site_id;' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "Name": "Test",
    "Height": 11,
    "Length": 12,
    "Width": 13,
    "Type": "BOX",
    "Weight": 5.0,
    "Sort": 1,
    "Availability": "This_Site_Only"

Response example

  "PackageStockId": 159880,
  "Name": "Test",
  "Height": 11,
  "Length": 12,
  "Width": 13,
  "Cubic": 0.002,
  "Type": "BOX",
  "Weight": 5,
  "Sort": 1,
  "IsTrackPak": false,
  "HeightAdjustable": true,
  "Availability": "This_Site_Only"

Delete Stock sizes


Delete a stock size from the system.


Method: DELETE
Content Type: application/json
URL: https://api.gosweetspot.com/api/stocksizes


access_key : your unique API key provided by GSS.
site_id : which site you are requesting action for.


Parameter Type Description
id string

A comma seperated list of stock size ids to be deleted.

Return format

A JSON array of key/value pair, with stock size id and outcome

Valid outcome states are:

  • Invalid Package Stock.
  • Cannot be deleted.
  • Deleted.

Request example

curl --location --request DELETE 'http://api.gosweetspot.com/api/stocksizes?id=159872%2C159873%2C159874' \
--header 'access_key;' \
--header 'site_id;' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data ''

Response example

  "159872": "Deleted",
  "159873": "Deleted",
  "159874": "Deleted"

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