Is my address rural/residential?

New Zealand Couriers divides New Zealand's addresses in three main categories:

  1. Business Delivery Zone
  2. Residential Delivery Zone
  3. Rural /Non-urban Delivery Zone

How to check what delivery zone your address is in

  1. Go to our Address Checker 
  2. Type in the address you want to find out about
  3. The green tick dictates the area that your address is in

What is a Business Delivery Zone?

‘business delivery is considered by us to be a delivery to a high-density delivery zone that includes, but is not limited to, shopping centres, business parks, and other businesses operating in main centres.

What is a Residential Delivery Zone?

residential delivery is considered by us to be a delivery to a low-density delivery zone that includes, but is not limited to, residential homes, businesses operating from residential homes, and businesses that are surrounded by residential homes.

What is a Rural/Non-Urban Delivery Zone? 

Rural/ Non-Urban areas are defined by New Zealand Couriers as those that sit outside our regularly serviced areas (Business & Residential Delivery Zones) and may differ from the rural classification of other courier and postal companies.

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