GoSweetSpot: Shipping options

Included in this document:


To use Shipping Options API, you may follow the steps to set it up first

GoSweetSpot Shipping Options App

Once you have it ready, you can use the following endpoint to get shipping rates for your website.

PS. This is NOT the same as POST api/rates

Header X-GSS-Hmac-Sha256 is based on your request body and a secret assigned to you.

To automatically generate the header in postman, you can use Pre-request Script below.

var signBytes = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(pm.request.body.raw, 'YOUR_SECRET');
var signHex = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.stringify(signBytes);
    key: "X-GSS-Hmac-Sha256",
    value: signHex

Replace YOUR_SECRET with your real secret.


Method: POST
Content Type: application/json
URL: https://checkout.gosweetspot.com/CustomApi/Rates/{{your shipping options app ID}}


X-GSS-Hmac-Sha256 : hash-based message authentication code, generate by your request body and secret assigned to you.


Attribute Type Description
weight decimal Total weight of the shipping cart in kg.
cartvalue decimal Total cart value of the shipping cart.
destination object Shipping Options Address Model.

Return format

A JSON array of objects.


The response is a JSON array of object with the following fields.

Attribute Type Description
description string Description of the shipping rate.
shortcode string A short code is associated with the shipping rate.
rate decimal Total price of the shipping rate.

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