Opening hours

Open hours for our branches, depots and Delivery Link Partners – very useful for checking if a location is open on a Saturday as not all of them are.

New Zealand Couriers Locations

Click on your area to see the hours, addresses and contact details of our branches/depots/Delivery Link Partners in that area.

Note: To view the open hours for other days of the week, click the arrow next to the open time - this will open a full list of days and open times.

Which New Zealand Couriers location is closest to you?

Go to the Nearest Location Tool and search the address/town/area where you want to find a New Zealand Couriers branch/depot or Delivery Link Partner. 

The closest branch/depot or Delivery Link Partner will show in the results, including its’ relevant hours, address and contact details. 

Delivery Link Partner locations don’t offer the full range of New Zealand Courier's services, such as buying ePacks/tickets and sending for delivery.  Be sure to check with the location you intend to go that they offer the services you are interested in.  If you are going to collect an item, be sure to bring an official form of identification with you, as items cannot be handed over without it.

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