GoSweetSpot: How to create a Cost Centre

What is a Cost Centre?

Cost centres assist with reporting and allow you to allocate different settings.

In the Cost Centres section, you can:

  • Set up and manage relevant cost centres
  • Assign cost centres when creating your ticket
  • Set a default cost centre to contacts in your address book

How to create a new Cost Centre

Adding one at a time

  1. Select Add New
  2. Fill out the fields with the relevant information
  3. Click Save

Bulk import

Like with the Address Book, you can bulk import if you deal with many cost centres

  1. Navigate to the Import Cost Centres section on the Cost Centres page
  2. Click Download Template
  3. Enter the relevant details
  4. Save the spreadsheet
  5. Click Choose File and choose your saved file
  6. Click Import

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